Artist BIO
Robin De Rossitte
I have always created. Being a single mom of 4 kids for most of the last almost 30 years has made that quite difficult at times. Whether it was lack of space or lack of time or even just a lack of emotional spoons at the end of the day, it has been hard to carve out a space of my own. Over the last few years, as my children have gotten older I have rediscovered a passion for art. Do to the constraints of a full time job and 3 kids still living at home that passion has been limited to what I can create in my lap (crochet), or at the dining table (small watercolor or polymer clay pieces), or in bed after the house is quiet and still (digital illustration). My desire to create larger and more and more complex pieces has been pushing on the inside of my heart and mind for years. Having a studio space that was affordable and accessible allows those desires and ideas to be realized, not just for me but for other women as well. Co-creating has always been the ultimate experience. I imagine that is what fuels my love of the theater. I have been lucky enough to be able to become involved with community theater in Little Rock and have served as a member of the Board of the Weekend Theater for the past year. My dream would be to be able to be able to support myslf with my art as I near retirement age. An early retirement to creating 100% of the time is my goal. A goal that having this space puts me a leap closer to making real.