Artist BIO
Jerilyn Brown

Jeri Brown, South Florida painter and art educator has been honing her painting skills and sharing her knowledge with students since the 80s. She graduated with a BFA from Florida Atlantic University. Her paintings have been exhibited at Southwestern Watercolor Society, National Exhibition of Contemporary Paintings Society of the Four Arts, and Florida Watercolor Society. Jeri received the Florida Art Education Secondary Art Educator Award. While Education Director Old School Square Cultural Art Center, her programming brought 8,000 students of all ages to that cultural facility. The first painting instructor at Armory Art Center’s inaugural summer art camp where she now is a painting instructor. Her current series inspired by care of coastal environments was exhibited at World Oceans Day Exhibit Marina Event Center and WAVES Arts Warehouse part of climate and art weekend. Currently curating Artspeak: beyond words to open February at Boynton Beach Arts & Culture Center Gallery.